To lose weight, it is not necessary to eliminate all fat. You just have to choose the ones that want you good. Here are the 10 fatty foods that make you lose weight!
How many people have decided to eliminate all forms of fat from their diet in order to lose weight? Or who hasn't heard that fat makes you fat? While it is true that they are dense in calories, removing them would be a mistake. On the contrary, some of them are necessary for the proper functioning of our body and can even help us lose weight!
In the fruit and vegetable family, the avocado does not enjoy a good reputation. Unfairly accused of being too caloric, of being too fatty ... Of course, it is rich in fat (16g / 100g), but these are mainly made up of good fats essential to our body; even when you want to lose weight. Its fiber and amino acid intake also make it a good appetite suppressant, especially when you want to lose weight.
Organic butter or "ghee"
We are not talking about margarine here, but the equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon "grass-fed butter" that we find mainly on the internet. This butter is prepared from cows fed on grass (and not from industrial cereals). If all organic butter does not necessarily meet this criterion, ghee (Indian clarified butter) can be an interesting alternative. These butter are particularly rich in omega 3, which promotes the burning of fat in the body.
Dark chocolate
The eggs have long had a bad reputation because of their high cholesterol. But the truth is, they contain good cholesterol, called HDL, which is essential for keeping overall cholesterol levels low. Rich in protein, eggs also help you control your appetite and prolong your feeling of fullness.
Fatty fish
Oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel ...) are certainly rich in fats ... but in good fats. They contain fatty acids, essential for our body that are difficult to find elsewhere. It is this famous omega 3 that accelerates weight loss.
Red Meat
Red meat has not had good press lately. Scientists attribute to it several harmful consequences for health and designate it as being the cause of cardiovascular problems or a certain number of cancers (colon, prostate, breast, lung ...). But red meat provides protein that is easy to burn. However, fatty meats are avoided and meats with unsaturated fats (responsible for bad cholesterol) such as sirloin, beefsteak, or rump steak are preferred. We also opt for meat from organic farming, because it comes from animals that have not been exposed to antibiotics or hormones. It is therefore much healthier than the others.
When we start a diet, cheese is one of the first foods that we ban from our diet. However, thanks to its calcium and protein intake, cheese has a satiating effect and minimizes fat storage by the body.
Many studies have shown that coconut oil can increase energy expenditure and burn up to 120 extra calories per day.
Dairy products
How many people have decided to eliminate all forms of fat from their diet in order to lose weight? Or who hasn't heard that fat makes you fat? While it is true that they are dense in calories, removing them would be a mistake. On the contrary, some of them are necessary for the proper functioning of our body and can even help us lose weight!
Here are 10 high-fat foods that are actually incredibly healthy and nutritious.
AvocadoOrganic butter or "ghee"
Dark chocolate
If it is made up of at least 70% cocoa, the cocoa butter present in dark chocolate contains good saturated fatty acids (stearic acid) which have beneficial effects on the health of the cardiovascular system. As well as good monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) which would act in a beneficial manner on weight loss.
Fatty fish
Red Meat
Nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios ...) can help you lose weight and have a flat stomach. Several studies have shown that people who consumed a handful per day, or around 30 grams, were leaner and had a lower BMI (body mass index) than others. Oilseeds contain polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3s) and healthy saturated fats that help burn fat. Be careful to only eat natural fresh nuts without salt, sugar, or fat.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil
Dairy products
Avoiding dairy products when dieting is a mistake that can weigh heavily in the balance! Several studies have provided proof of this. They reveal that those with the highest intakes of calcium (provided by dairy products) and the best blood levels of vitamin D (produced in large part by exposure to the sun) benefit from the most significant weight loss.
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