10 foods that help you keep your figure!

There is no miracle food that "makes you lose weight". However, some are more recommended during a diet because of fewer calories and more satiating than others. Here are 10!

Without going on a drastic diet, there are certain foods that are real allies for our figure. Discover them!

Aromatic herbs

No more sauces or salty seasonings! To flavor your dishes, choose aromatic herbs. Chives, basil, parsley, coriander, rosemary…: you have the choice to add flavor to your dishes by varying the pleasure… and without impacting your figure!


It is not for nothing that it is recommended for afternoon tea! Rich in fibers and vitamins, the apple is nevertheless very low in calories. Plain, in a salad or cooked in a pan, eat it without moderation.

White meat

Unlike red meat, white meat (poultry, veal ...) is relatively low in calories and very protein. Provided, of course, to remove the skin of the chicken and not to fry or cook it with half the bottle of oil. Finally, the meat is still quite concentrated in fat, avoid consuming it at all meals.

Fresh cheeses: goat cheese, mozzarella, feta ...

Who says cheese is not allowed on the table during a diet? You just have to pay attention to the portions and, above all, choose it well. Hard cheeses are generally more caloric than others, prefer fresh cheeses such as goat cheese, feta, mozzarella but also cancoillotte, camembert ...

Cod ...

Or hake, haddock ... white fish are often much less fatty than others. To preserve their benefits, avoid cooking them in sauce and prefer steaming or cooking in foil.


In general, legumes increase satiety and are relatively low in calories.


Tea has diuretic properties, which are excellent for eliminating toxins accumulated by the body. To preserve its benefits, avoid adding sugar or choosing flavored teas, which have a lot more calories.


Low in calories (about 70 kcal per 100 g), oatmeal is also an excellent appetite suppressant. A bowl at breakfast will prevent you from snacking before lunch.

The banana

In addition to increasing the feeling of fullness, bananas are relatively low in calories. To be consumed on its own, with a bowl of cereal or yogurt, for breakfast, for afternoon tea, for dessert ...


When you watch your figure, you must not deprive your body of precious nutrients useful for its proper functioning. Cereals, thanks to the carbohydrates they contain, allow our body to function well. Quinoa is a valuable ally because it provides nutrients to the body (fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins B, E, and C) without impacting our figure. Thanks to its satiating potential, it avoids cravings during the day!
