10 Common Mistakes That Prevent You From Losing Weight

Obsessed with their physical appearance, some people will do anything to lose weight quickly. At the risk, sometimes, of endangering their health. 

Driven by the dictates of fashion and beauty, many of us are tempted to follow a strict diet in order to lose weight fast. Very often, without realizing the consequences that this behavior can have on their health.

Go on a diet, why not. Put your health at risk for the benefit of a few pounds less, no. Discover in our image slideshow 10 things you should never do to lose weight quickly.

Here are 10 things not to do when you decide to go on a diet.

1. Go on a Hunger Strike

Dietary deficiencies, psychological disorders, fatigue, yoyo effect... Going on a complete diet is an effective way to lose weight quickly but it is also ( and above all ) the best way to endanger your health and end up losing weight. the hospital.

2. Disrupt your diet too quickly

The mistake when you start a diet is to change your eating habits too quickly. Of course, you have to adopt a healthier and more balanced diet, but you have to do it gradually. If your body has been used to junk food and fat for years, it may react badly if you just eat vegetables overnight.

3. Think and live diet

For some people, the urge to lose weight can sometimes turn into an obsession. In this case, the subject reads only books on the subject of the diet, spends more time on the scale than with his relatives, or even prevents himself from stepping outside until he reaches his goal.... Be careful if this is your case, react! It is your sanity that is at stake.

4. Skipping Meals

Just because you skip a meal doesn't mean you will lose weight faster! Quite the contrary. By fasting at noon, you risk first nibbling while waiting until dinner. And second, to throw yourself on the food or eat more when it happens. Finally, do not skip breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day!

5. Skip Carbs

Some people imagine that they lose weight quickly by completely eliminating carbohydrates from their diet. It is a mistake. On the one hand, (good) carbohydrates are not recommended when dieting. On the other hand, depriving your body of carbohydrates is depriving it of all the energy it needs and therefore incurring possible health problems.

6. Swallow Hunger cuts

The appetite suppressants can be taken as a food supplement but in no case should they replace a meal! On the other hand, many side effects have been observed after taking these tablets, so it is better not to abuse them. This also applies to so-called magic slimming pills or laxatives.

7. Become the pro of light and 0%

While 0% yogurts and diet sodas are less caloric than others, they have been proven more than once to contain chemicals that can be harmful to health. Better to avoid them.

8. Not drink water

No, drinking water does not make your stomach bloat or promote water retention. Quite the contrary! Water has excellent draining properties for the body. On the other hand, not drinking water can lead to severe dehydration which can be harmful to your health.

9. Abuse of sport

Certainly, it is advisable to play sports when starting a diet. But that doesn't mean physically exhausting yourself! If your body is not used to participating in sports and you force it on the exercise, you may cause physical harm.

10. Go on a Monomaniac diet

Better known under the name of "pineapple diet", "cabbage diet" or even "salad diet", the monomaniac diet consists of eating only one type of food at all meals. Effective in the short term, this diet is especially dangerous for health. By consuming only one food, you risk not only the yoyo effect ( lose and gain weight quickly ) but in addition to developing nutritional deficiencies.

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