One of the methods to lose weight easily is to eliminate snacking. Discover the 20 best appetite suppressant foods.
The problem that a very large number of people who are trying to lose weight have in common is snacking. Because improving your diet is within everyone's reach, getting into the sport, a little motivation, and voila, but fighting against your hunger is almost impossible for everyone.
Many know it but snacking between meals is strongly discouraged, whether it is concerning weight gain but also quite simple for our body because generally during cravings we tend more to consume very sweet or high-calorie foods which are totally counterproductive for those looking to lose weight.
But there is a solution to this: appetite suppressant foods!
How do Appetite Suppressant Foods Work?
You may have noticed it already, but sometimes you are hungry only 1 hour after your meal, and other times you can go more than 3 hours without feeling the slightest urge to eat. The explanation for this? Fibers!
These fibers present in our food give our body a feeling of prolonged satiety because they slow down the digestion process. Thanks to them, any desire for snacking is forgotten!
The proteins have also a strong satiating power.
If even after incorporating these appetite suppressant foods you feel a little nibble between meals, don't panic. Just choose one of the foods from this list and make it your snack. This way you will have a healthy and satisfying snack!
In addition to being very low in calories, 50 kcal per 100g, the apple gives the impression of a full stomach for several hours!
Porridge is very rich in carbohydrates, which greatly regulate appetite.
Take it in the morning, and you can wait until your next meal without feeling like a snack.
With only 13 kcal per 100g and because it is filled with water, cucumber is an appetite suppressant more than recommended.
Grapefruit is high in water, low in calories, and loaded with fiber which makes it perfect as an appetite suppressant.
Green Salad
Before each meal eats a small portion of green salad, then wait 20 minutes before starting your plate, and you will see a radical change in the portions you eat.
Because it is packed with omega-3s, salmon has a huge impact on hunger pangs.
Herbal teas
Some have good digestion benefits, others just taste fantastic, but they all have one thing in common: they fill the stomach without taking a calorie!
Few are fans of its taste, but tofu is an excellent appetite suppressant.
A word of advice: eat the tofus found in organic or Japanese stores which are much tastier than those found in supermarkets.
Wakame is a Japanese seaweed that happens to be very high in protein.
Consume it in a salad before your meals, this will allow you to reduce the quantity on your plate.
Because it is rich in starch, the sweet potato causes slow digestion which will allow your body to be full for longer.
Lentils are a very important source of fiber and on top of that, they are low in fat and calories.
Used to gel preparations in the kitchen, agar-agar also acts as an appetite suppressant.
The soup is very effective as a starter because it helps curb hunger and thanks to it you will be filled for a long time.
Oat bran
Oat bran on the one hand eliminates fat and also acts as an appetite suppressant.
Bananas are a very effective snack and/or dessert, as they fill the stomach and guarantee a feeling of fullness.
Konjac is a plant that, once cooked and ingested, allows water to be absorbed and the urge to eat to disappear.
Eggs contain a lot of protein and very little fat, which makes them good for you and very effective as an appetite suppressant.
Almonds are rich in protein and fiber. Thanks to them, no more snacking!
White cheese
Cottage cheese is very rich in protein, which allows it to be highly satiating.
So take it in the morning or as a plain snack or with a little honey, and you can limit cravings.
The problem that a very large number of people who are trying to lose weight have in common is snacking. Because improving your diet is within everyone's reach, getting into the sport, a little motivation, and voila, but fighting against your hunger is almost impossible for everyone.
Many know it but snacking between meals is strongly discouraged, whether it is concerning weight gain but also quite simple for our body because generally during cravings we tend more to consume very sweet or high-calorie foods which are totally counterproductive for those looking to lose weight.
But there is a solution to this: appetite suppressant foods!
How do Appetite Suppressant Foods Work?
You may have noticed it already, but sometimes you are hungry only 1 hour after your meal, and other times you can go more than 3 hours without feeling the slightest urge to eat. The explanation for this? Fibers!
These fibers present in our food give our body a feeling of prolonged satiety because they slow down the digestion process. Thanks to them, any desire for snacking is forgotten!
The proteins have also a strong satiating power.
If even after incorporating these appetite suppressant foods you feel a little nibble between meals, don't panic. Just choose one of the foods from this list and make it your snack. This way you will have a healthy and satisfying snack!
In addition to being very low in calories, 50 kcal per 100g, the apple gives the impression of a full stomach for several hours!
Porridge is very rich in carbohydrates, which greatly regulate appetite.
Take it in the morning, and you can wait until your next meal without feeling like a snack.
With only 13 kcal per 100g and because it is filled with water, cucumber is an appetite suppressant more than recommended.
Grapefruit is high in water, low in calories, and loaded with fiber which makes it perfect as an appetite suppressant.
Green Salad
Before each meal eats a small portion of green salad, then wait 20 minutes before starting your plate, and you will see a radical change in the portions you eat.
Because it is packed with omega-3s, salmon has a huge impact on hunger pangs.
Herbal teas
Some have good digestion benefits, others just taste fantastic, but they all have one thing in common: they fill the stomach without taking a calorie!
Few are fans of its taste, but tofu is an excellent appetite suppressant.
A word of advice: eat the tofus found in organic or Japanese stores which are much tastier than those found in supermarkets.
Wakame is a Japanese seaweed that happens to be very high in protein.
Consume it in a salad before your meals, this will allow you to reduce the quantity on your plate.
Because it is rich in starch, the sweet potato causes slow digestion which will allow your body to be full for longer.
Lentils are a very important source of fiber and on top of that, they are low in fat and calories.
Used to gel preparations in the kitchen, agar-agar also acts as an appetite suppressant.
The soup is very effective as a starter because it helps curb hunger and thanks to it you will be filled for a long time.
Oat bran
Oat bran on the one hand eliminates fat and also acts as an appetite suppressant.
Bananas are a very effective snack and/or dessert, as they fill the stomach and guarantee a feeling of fullness.
Konjac is a plant that, once cooked and ingested, allows water to be absorbed and the urge to eat to disappear.
Eggs contain a lot of protein and very little fat, which makes them good for you and very effective as an appetite suppressant.
Almonds are rich in protein and fiber. Thanks to them, no more snacking!
White cheese
Cottage cheese is very rich in protein, which allows it to be highly satiating.
So take it in the morning or as a plain snack or with a little honey, and you can limit cravings.
This spice has the ability to reduce hunger.
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