To accelerate weight loss, without getting too wet, grandmothers' tips are absolute masters. 100% natural and risk-free, these ancestral slimming tips are a great alternative to lose a few extra pounds. An anthology of these well-kept secrets.
To heal our skin or slim down effectively, grandmothers' tips remain the best option, to deal with slimming lotions and inconclusive detox cures. Whether it's approaching summer, or to feel better in our body, we quickly adopt these effective recipes that will help our pounds to evaporate. The must? They promise a slender silhouette, without having to draw a line on the little taste pleasures.
Drink Artichoke Water
Far from the beach, Artichoke cooking water has a lot more trump cards up its sleeve than it seems. With slimming, digestive and diuretic virtues, artichoke is the great ally to obtain a flat stomach at high speed. And for good reason, being one of the least caloric vegetables (about 47 kcal per 100 g), the artichoke promises different benefits, depending on the parts consumed.
The leaves and its cynarin stem act as an antioxidant, which helps to drain the liver while facilitating the elimination of fats and the decrease in blood sugar levels.
Drink Lemon Water
In a glass, squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lemon, and dilute it with lukewarm water. The ideal is to drink it as regularly as possible, starting in the morning. This tangy fruit helps to naturally detoxify the body, burn fat and reduce hunger. An infusion to drink without moderation.
Eat 5 fruits include papaya
Little known to influence weight loss, papaya has many cards to play up its sleeve. Recommended in slimming cures for its draining properties, ideal for the proper functioning of the body and maintenance of skin health, papaya is also deliciously succulent.
In addition, papain includes slimming properties, produced by the enzymes it contains, and which guarantee the digestion of food.
Include Pepper in your meal
Well-known, pepper aids digestion. This spice obtained from pepper berries helps as a bonus, quickly burn fat in the body. A smart and natural method.
Eat an Apple
To fight hunger through hunger, the apple is the perfect ally. Enriched with nourishing fibers and quercetin (a powerful antioxidant), the apple fills the stomach in no time thanks to its satiating power.
And if its slimming benefits have been proven in helping to limit snacking between meals, the apple has the merit of reducing the risks of certain cancers and preventing diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
Include Parsley in your diet
This herbaceous plant which occasionally invites itself on our plates is, however, one of the ancestral tips of our grandmothers, to naturally cause weight loss.
By promoting blood sugar regulation, parsley helps reduce the urge to snack. Packed with vitamins A and C, the fresh leaves of this aromatic herb are to be introduced into our dishes, but also into our drinks, in the form of infusion and herbal tea.
Consume organic apple cider vinegar
Recognized for its draining and digestive actions, organic cider vinegar is used in our kitchen, to season our homemade dishes and summer salads, but not only! Rather than falling back on a caloric drink, grandmothers had already advised for several generations to prefer a drink made from apple cider vinegar.
To model this slimming recipe, fill a glass with 100 ml of lukewarm water, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey and finish with a few drops of freshly squeezed orange juice.
To drink during or before each meal, this vinegar drink helps our extra pounds to melt quickly.
Drink a Herbal Tea with Hibiscus
Belonging to the Malvaceae family, this flamboyant flower with a tangy taste, ensures good intestinal digestion, by being consumed dry, in the form of herbal tea. Dried hibiscus flowers have the advantage of soothing colitis problems, thanks to their diuretic properties.
In other words, the latter will boost the renal system, by increasing the purification mechanism which eliminates the water present in the body. Do not hesitate to drink a cup of herbal tea with each meal.
Flavor Boiled Milk with Garlic
To alleviate the effects of poor digestion after a heavy meal, garlic milk seems to be the best option.
As our grandmothers used to do, we crush a clove of garlic in milk brought to the boil, then let it infuse for a few minutes before consuming it lukewarm. This slimming decoction stimulates the metabolism and promotes the elimination of calories and fats without effort.
Eat Soup for Dinner
For dinner, we swap the pasta plaster for homemade soup. With multiple benefits for the body, the soup holds vegetable fibers and water which quickly leads to a state of satiety (quickly satiates), and as a bonus provides the recommended daily dose of vegetables. With hypocaloric properties (low in calories) and rich in anti-fatigue vitamins and minerals, the soup definitely ticks all the right boxes.
Drink Thyme tea
This detox drink has more than one trick up its sleeve. Economical, 100% natural, but above all with purifying, diuretic, and draining virtues, thyme infusion is ideal. To lose weight quickly by avoiding tightening the belt, thyme infusion helps detoxify the body while facilitating the elimination of stored fat.
Make a Homemade Scrub with Coffee Grounds
Known to KO cellulite, caffeine is full of significant slimming assets. If it is not recommended to consume too high a dose of caffeine (especially after 4 p.m.), it is however recommended to concoct body scrubs with its grounds.
Contained in a good number of slimming creams, coffee facilitates the destocking of fat by limiting the excessive concentration of glucose, and the multiplication of fat cells in the body.
So, to display a slimmer figure, and smooth, toned skin, mix 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds and 3 teaspoons of olive oil. Distribute the scrub evenly over the padded areas (buttocks, thighs, hips, stomach, etc.) and massage gently from bottom to top.
Make Cold Potato Salads
Think again! Contrary to popular belief, cold potatoes are a great way to rebalance the diet. While a hot potato turns starch into fat, a cold potato does something quite different.
Cooked in this way, this edible tuber has the merit of developing satiating starch without transforming it into fat.
Drink Cinnamon Tea
If its smell reminds us of the Alsatian Christmas markets, cinnamon is nevertheless a spice that contains many more beneficial properties than it appears. Acting as a real appetite suppressant, this spice boosts the metabolism and accentuates the elimination of fat stored in the body.
Grandmothers usually advise drinking cinnamon tea as soon as you wake up, between meals, and at the end of the day.
Eat at a Fixed Time
Same as at work. Stick to fixed times. To avoid consuming too much food, it is important to see essential, to keep the pace; by eating at specific times to promote digestion and weight loss. This will prevent snacking between meals and therefore flirt with deficiencies.
Drink Nettle Tea
Along the same lines as the previous decoctions, nettle tea is one of the most convincing slimming tips. Beware of bites and itching, remove the nettle leaves from the main branch with thick gloves, and boil a handful in 1/3 liter of water. Simple, quick, and effective, this detox tip should be kept in mind.
Introduce Flax Seeds into your Diet
Little consumed and to their greatest regret, flax seeds are however the major asset to have under the elbow, to lose weight quickly and effectively. Enriched with fiber and omega-3, flax seeds promote the state of satiety (fullness) while facilitating digestion and acting as a fat-burning effect.
How do consume them? Nothing's easier. Traditionally, grandmothers recommend consuming two tablespoons per day on a green salad, or an artichoke salad. But you can choose the associations you like.
Brush your teeth after every meal
In addition to promising a devastating smile (in a good sense of the word of course), this sanitary step will allow you to remove the residue stuck between your teeth, and the taste of food, which inevitably makes you want to snack more.
If toothbrushing seems to be an essential step, as normal as showering every day, it is sometimes difficult to brush your teeth at work: for lack of time or practicality. Slip in your bag minimalist toiletry bag with the necessary kit so as not to skip this hygienic step.
Test the Herbal tea of Pilosella
If its learned name means nothing to you, you are perfectly familiar with this plant of the Asteraceae family, a bright yellow recognizable among a thousand, which nicely lines fields and gardens. With its formidable draining virtues, the piloselle can perfectly be consumed in herbal tea in dried form, up to 1 to 2 grams per drink.
Consume Egg Whites
By removing the yolk, the egg white acts as a real appetite suppressant. The latter contains in particular amino acids, in other words, acids essential for maintaining the health of bones, muscles, cells, and immune defenses. If egg white helps to lose weight, it is because it is considerably "lean", since it contains a very low caloric rate and a lot of protein (around 10%).
Usually consumed by high-level athletes, egg white helps burn fat during exercise, helps enrich the metabolism without gaining weight, and is a very good source of vitamins, trace elements, and iron.
Introduce Agar-Agar in the diet
In powder form, this Japanese red seaweed acts naturally as a gelling agent, which can replace commercial gelatin and pectin, commonly used in baking.
Agar-agar is indeed a soluble substance which, when consumed, will swell in the stomach, forming a gelatinous film that will capture the stored fats and sugars, while leading to a state of satiety.
If you are not very sweet, know that it is quite possible to introduce agar-agar powder in your soup or in the juice of your fried vegetables.
Swap Cereals for Oatmeal
If our British neighbors swear by English Breakfast and Porridge (made from oatmeal), know that this cereal is essential to maintain our body in perfect health.
And for good reason, oatmeal contains a good number of soluble fibers which effectively promote the digestive stage. As a bonus, this cereal ideally meets the nutritional needs of the body, while satiating it in no time.
Prefer Hot water to Cold water
Known to be an excellent source of weight loss, hot water is a bonus, inexpensive. Before breakfast, swap your orange juice for a large glass of hot water, which will help the body to release toxins, and quickly lead to a state of satiety.
Drink an infusion with Yerba Maté
From Latin America, and more precisely from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, Yerba Maté is a plant enriched with caffeine. A good substitute for morning coffee, Yerba Maté has stimulating properties on the body and on stored fats.
The advantage? This herb does not trigger the side effects of coffee, such as trouble sleeping and nervousness. Mate promotes a feeling of satiety.
As a bonus, making an infusion with Yerba Maté is child's play! Bring the water to the boil, cross it into a cup, incorporate the dried leaves (between 1 to 2 g) and let infuse for fifteen minutes.
Take the time to chew food
Such an obvious tip, that we wouldn't even have thought of it. Chewing more gently, will not only allow learning not to "eat", but to "taste" the dishes, but also will promote the feeling of satiety. As a result, the quantity consumed will be less, and all the more appreciated.
Opt for Green Tea
Ultra-simple proxy, green tea, which may even be already stashed in your kitchen, is ideal. Studies have led to believe that green tea helps to burn as much as 80 calories per day while draining the liver, and by transforming fat stored in the body into energy. But that's not all! Green tea is an excellent "digestive" since it effortlessly facilitates digestion.
Inevitably made up of water, this drink, which is beneficial to the body, acts as the most effective and natural appetite suppressant. To drink without moderation.
Drink a lot of Water
Natural mineral water is preferred to limit weight gain. In addition to being able to consume it in various forms (herbal teas, infusions, cold tea, etc.), know that drinking a large glass of water before each meal would considerably reduce appetite by satiating us quickly. So, send sodas, and other processed drinks, which contain too much sugar in the cupboard.
Make yourself a Cumin Tea
If this spice does not find favor in your eyes, it is only part of the delay, since many infusions and herbal teas are conducive to weight loss. And cumin is the perfect ally! In addition to facilitating digestion and reducing the swollen stomach effect, this spice makes it easy to obtain a flat stomach, cut for summer. Cumin has the particularity of being able to considerably reduce the desire for flatulence and bloating. Grandmothers advise drinking a cup of cumin tea after each meal to help the digestive mechanism do its job.
No More Eating after 7 p.m.
Although in France, we have the unfortunate habit of dining after 7 p.m., grandmothers have advised for generations not to eat after this time. Indeed, this strategic hour is the limit not to cross, if you want to keep a flat stomach ready for summer. If your body eats food for more than 12 hours, your body will need to tap into its resources to find the energy it needs for digestion.
Try Ginger Tea
In the same vein as other decoctions, ginger tea promotes rapid weight loss. This ancestral tradition straight from the East soothes the appetite and boosts the body by providing a good dose of energy.
To heal our skin or slim down effectively, grandmothers' tips remain the best option, to deal with slimming lotions and inconclusive detox cures. Whether it's approaching summer, or to feel better in our body, we quickly adopt these effective recipes that will help our pounds to evaporate. The must? They promise a slender silhouette, without having to draw a line on the little taste pleasures.
Drink Artichoke Water
Far from the beach, Artichoke cooking water has a lot more trump cards up its sleeve than it seems. With slimming, digestive and diuretic virtues, artichoke is the great ally to obtain a flat stomach at high speed. And for good reason, being one of the least caloric vegetables (about 47 kcal per 100 g), the artichoke promises different benefits, depending on the parts consumed.
The leaves and its cynarin stem act as an antioxidant, which helps to drain the liver while facilitating the elimination of fats and the decrease in blood sugar levels.
Drink Lemon Water
In a glass, squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lemon, and dilute it with lukewarm water. The ideal is to drink it as regularly as possible, starting in the morning. This tangy fruit helps to naturally detoxify the body, burn fat and reduce hunger. An infusion to drink without moderation.
Eat 5 fruits include papaya
Little known to influence weight loss, papaya has many cards to play up its sleeve. Recommended in slimming cures for its draining properties, ideal for the proper functioning of the body and maintenance of skin health, papaya is also deliciously succulent.
In addition, papain includes slimming properties, produced by the enzymes it contains, and which guarantee the digestion of food.
Include Pepper in your meal
Eat an Apple
To fight hunger through hunger, the apple is the perfect ally. Enriched with nourishing fibers and quercetin (a powerful antioxidant), the apple fills the stomach in no time thanks to its satiating power.
And if its slimming benefits have been proven in helping to limit snacking between meals, the apple has the merit of reducing the risks of certain cancers and preventing diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
Include Parsley in your diet
This herbaceous plant which occasionally invites itself on our plates is, however, one of the ancestral tips of our grandmothers, to naturally cause weight loss.
By promoting blood sugar regulation, parsley helps reduce the urge to snack. Packed with vitamins A and C, the fresh leaves of this aromatic herb are to be introduced into our dishes, but also into our drinks, in the form of infusion and herbal tea.
Consume organic apple cider vinegar
Recognized for its draining and digestive actions, organic cider vinegar is used in our kitchen, to season our homemade dishes and summer salads, but not only! Rather than falling back on a caloric drink, grandmothers had already advised for several generations to prefer a drink made from apple cider vinegar.
To model this slimming recipe, fill a glass with 100 ml of lukewarm water, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey and finish with a few drops of freshly squeezed orange juice.
To drink during or before each meal, this vinegar drink helps our extra pounds to melt quickly.
Drink a Herbal Tea with Hibiscus
Belonging to the Malvaceae family, this flamboyant flower with a tangy taste, ensures good intestinal digestion, by being consumed dry, in the form of herbal tea. Dried hibiscus flowers have the advantage of soothing colitis problems, thanks to their diuretic properties.
In other words, the latter will boost the renal system, by increasing the purification mechanism which eliminates the water present in the body. Do not hesitate to drink a cup of herbal tea with each meal.
Flavor Boiled Milk with Garlic
To alleviate the effects of poor digestion after a heavy meal, garlic milk seems to be the best option.
As our grandmothers used to do, we crush a clove of garlic in milk brought to the boil, then let it infuse for a few minutes before consuming it lukewarm. This slimming decoction stimulates the metabolism and promotes the elimination of calories and fats without effort.
Eat Soup for Dinner
For dinner, we swap the pasta plaster for homemade soup. With multiple benefits for the body, the soup holds vegetable fibers and water which quickly leads to a state of satiety (quickly satiates), and as a bonus provides the recommended daily dose of vegetables. With hypocaloric properties (low in calories) and rich in anti-fatigue vitamins and minerals, the soup definitely ticks all the right boxes.
Drink Thyme tea
This detox drink has more than one trick up its sleeve. Economical, 100% natural, but above all with purifying, diuretic, and draining virtues, thyme infusion is ideal. To lose weight quickly by avoiding tightening the belt, thyme infusion helps detoxify the body while facilitating the elimination of stored fat.
Make a Homemade Scrub with Coffee Grounds
Known to KO cellulite, caffeine is full of significant slimming assets. If it is not recommended to consume too high a dose of caffeine (especially after 4 p.m.), it is however recommended to concoct body scrubs with its grounds.
Contained in a good number of slimming creams, coffee facilitates the destocking of fat by limiting the excessive concentration of glucose, and the multiplication of fat cells in the body.
So, to display a slimmer figure, and smooth, toned skin, mix 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds and 3 teaspoons of olive oil. Distribute the scrub evenly over the padded areas (buttocks, thighs, hips, stomach, etc.) and massage gently from bottom to top.
Make Cold Potato Salads
Think again! Contrary to popular belief, cold potatoes are a great way to rebalance the diet. While a hot potato turns starch into fat, a cold potato does something quite different.
Cooked in this way, this edible tuber has the merit of developing satiating starch without transforming it into fat.
Drink Cinnamon Tea
If its smell reminds us of the Alsatian Christmas markets, cinnamon is nevertheless a spice that contains many more beneficial properties than it appears. Acting as a real appetite suppressant, this spice boosts the metabolism and accentuates the elimination of fat stored in the body.
Grandmothers usually advise drinking cinnamon tea as soon as you wake up, between meals, and at the end of the day.
Eat at a Fixed Time
Same as at work. Stick to fixed times. To avoid consuming too much food, it is important to see essential, to keep the pace; by eating at specific times to promote digestion and weight loss. This will prevent snacking between meals and therefore flirt with deficiencies.
Drink Nettle Tea
Along the same lines as the previous decoctions, nettle tea is one of the most convincing slimming tips. Beware of bites and itching, remove the nettle leaves from the main branch with thick gloves, and boil a handful in 1/3 liter of water. Simple, quick, and effective, this detox tip should be kept in mind.
Introduce Flax Seeds into your Diet
Little consumed and to their greatest regret, flax seeds are however the major asset to have under the elbow, to lose weight quickly and effectively. Enriched with fiber and omega-3, flax seeds promote the state of satiety (fullness) while facilitating digestion and acting as a fat-burning effect.
How do consume them? Nothing's easier. Traditionally, grandmothers recommend consuming two tablespoons per day on a green salad, or an artichoke salad. But you can choose the associations you like.
Brush your teeth after every meal
In addition to promising a devastating smile (in a good sense of the word of course), this sanitary step will allow you to remove the residue stuck between your teeth, and the taste of food, which inevitably makes you want to snack more.
If toothbrushing seems to be an essential step, as normal as showering every day, it is sometimes difficult to brush your teeth at work: for lack of time or practicality. Slip in your bag minimalist toiletry bag with the necessary kit so as not to skip this hygienic step.
Test the Herbal tea of Pilosella
If its learned name means nothing to you, you are perfectly familiar with this plant of the Asteraceae family, a bright yellow recognizable among a thousand, which nicely lines fields and gardens. With its formidable draining virtues, the piloselle can perfectly be consumed in herbal tea in dried form, up to 1 to 2 grams per drink.
Consume Egg Whites
By removing the yolk, the egg white acts as a real appetite suppressant. The latter contains in particular amino acids, in other words, acids essential for maintaining the health of bones, muscles, cells, and immune defenses. If egg white helps to lose weight, it is because it is considerably "lean", since it contains a very low caloric rate and a lot of protein (around 10%).
Usually consumed by high-level athletes, egg white helps burn fat during exercise, helps enrich the metabolism without gaining weight, and is a very good source of vitamins, trace elements, and iron.
Introduce Agar-Agar in the diet
In powder form, this Japanese red seaweed acts naturally as a gelling agent, which can replace commercial gelatin and pectin, commonly used in baking.
Agar-agar is indeed a soluble substance which, when consumed, will swell in the stomach, forming a gelatinous film that will capture the stored fats and sugars, while leading to a state of satiety.
If you are not very sweet, know that it is quite possible to introduce agar-agar powder in your soup or in the juice of your fried vegetables.
Swap Cereals for Oatmeal
If our British neighbors swear by English Breakfast and Porridge (made from oatmeal), know that this cereal is essential to maintain our body in perfect health.
And for good reason, oatmeal contains a good number of soluble fibers which effectively promote the digestive stage. As a bonus, this cereal ideally meets the nutritional needs of the body, while satiating it in no time.
Prefer Hot water to Cold water
Known to be an excellent source of weight loss, hot water is a bonus, inexpensive. Before breakfast, swap your orange juice for a large glass of hot water, which will help the body to release toxins, and quickly lead to a state of satiety.
Drink an infusion with Yerba Maté
From Latin America, and more precisely from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, Yerba Maté is a plant enriched with caffeine. A good substitute for morning coffee, Yerba Maté has stimulating properties on the body and on stored fats.
The advantage? This herb does not trigger the side effects of coffee, such as trouble sleeping and nervousness. Mate promotes a feeling of satiety.
As a bonus, making an infusion with Yerba Maté is child's play! Bring the water to the boil, cross it into a cup, incorporate the dried leaves (between 1 to 2 g) and let infuse for fifteen minutes.
Take the time to chew food
Such an obvious tip, that we wouldn't even have thought of it. Chewing more gently, will not only allow learning not to "eat", but to "taste" the dishes, but also will promote the feeling of satiety. As a result, the quantity consumed will be less, and all the more appreciated.
Opt for Green Tea
Ultra-simple proxy, green tea, which may even be already stashed in your kitchen, is ideal. Studies have led to believe that green tea helps to burn as much as 80 calories per day while draining the liver, and by transforming fat stored in the body into energy. But that's not all! Green tea is an excellent "digestive" since it effortlessly facilitates digestion.
Inevitably made up of water, this drink, which is beneficial to the body, acts as the most effective and natural appetite suppressant. To drink without moderation.
Drink a lot of Water
Natural mineral water is preferred to limit weight gain. In addition to being able to consume it in various forms (herbal teas, infusions, cold tea, etc.), know that drinking a large glass of water before each meal would considerably reduce appetite by satiating us quickly. So, send sodas, and other processed drinks, which contain too much sugar in the cupboard.
Make yourself a Cumin Tea
If this spice does not find favor in your eyes, it is only part of the delay, since many infusions and herbal teas are conducive to weight loss. And cumin is the perfect ally! In addition to facilitating digestion and reducing the swollen stomach effect, this spice makes it easy to obtain a flat stomach, cut for summer. Cumin has the particularity of being able to considerably reduce the desire for flatulence and bloating. Grandmothers advise drinking a cup of cumin tea after each meal to help the digestive mechanism do its job.
No More Eating after 7 p.m.
Although in France, we have the unfortunate habit of dining after 7 p.m., grandmothers have advised for generations not to eat after this time. Indeed, this strategic hour is the limit not to cross, if you want to keep a flat stomach ready for summer. If your body eats food for more than 12 hours, your body will need to tap into its resources to find the energy it needs for digestion.
Try Ginger Tea
In the same vein as other decoctions, ginger tea promotes rapid weight loss. This ancestral tradition straight from the East soothes the appetite and boosts the body by providing a good dose of energy.
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