What is positive thinking?
How can positive thinking have an impact on my diet?
How can I use positive thinking to move forward with my projects?
When you embark on projects, and, let alone, in a regime.
Whether it's getting back to sports or changing your eating habits...
We need motivation, we need to have the desire.
Because without motivation, even with the best program in the world, you won't get much.
Even with the best advice, if you don't have the motivation and you only follow them halfway by laziness... It won't work. Or even no result at all:
On the contrary, even with small things, small habits, if you stick to it long enough, you will have results.
You must therefore seek to boost your motivation on a daily basis in order to achieve what you want.
But how does positive thinking make it possible to be more motivated?
Cultivating optimism attracts good things to oneself
Always strive to see the bright side, to see the future from the right angle.
Focus on the positive rather than the negative.
Have hope about the future rather than regrets about the past.
Know how to visualize what you want.
And to know that we're going to make it, that we're going to get it.
It's the law of attraction.
When you think of something in a recurring way, you draw it towards yourself.
Because by keeping the mind focused on this goal, on these goals, unconsciously, we will do the actions that will bring us closer to this goal.
And little by little this goal will get closer and we will eventually reach it.
Rather than saying, "I should have started before" and lamented that we hadn't decided to change things sooner...
You have to say, "I'm doing the right thing" and be proud of having made that choice.
Because the majority of people did not make this choice, to change things.
And that making this choice is the first step towards success.
And, already, you know you're going to make it.
And that's how you become unstoppable.
By visualizing what you want and always being convinced that you will get there.
Focus on the positive rather than the negative.
Have hope about the future rather than regrets about the past.
Know how to visualize what you want.
And to know that we're going to make it, that we're going to get it.
It's the law of attraction.
When you think of something in a recurring way, you draw it towards yourself.
Because by keeping the mind focused on this goal, on these goals, unconsciously, we will do the actions that will bring us closer to this goal.
And little by little this goal will get closer and we will eventually reach it.
Rather than saying, "I should have started before" and lamented that we hadn't decided to change things sooner...
You have to say, "I'm doing the right thing" and be proud of having made that choice.
Because the majority of people did not make this choice, to change things.
And that making this choice is the first step towards success.
And, already, you know you're going to make it.
And that's how you become unstoppable.
By visualizing what you want and always being convinced that you will get there.
And it has a big impact...
Because when you know you're on the right track, when you're convinced you're going to make it...We're happier, more serene.
Our mood is affected.
And automatically, so is our motivation.
We don't want to go in the right direction anymore.
And when you're more motivated, you accomplish more.
And automatically, you get better results...
And it doesn't stop there...
Because when you get better results: you are in a better mood, and therefore you have more motivation... Etc...
A truly virtuous circle.
Which is the opposite of the vicious circle: "lazy, discouraged, fatalism" which, in turn, encloses us in a deleterious atmosphere where we accomplish less and less.
And this positive effect, we all felt it
We all had days without, where we weren't motivated, where we were lazy...
And on the contrary, we all had great days where we were fit and where we were unstoppable...
And that's the key to positive thinking and optimism, making every day memorable.
Doing that every day is a chance to accomplish, a chance to go in the right direction.
And once we put in place this new way of thinking, once we realized that we were going to make it...
Everything gets easier.
It's much easier to change things.
We come to seek change rather than flee it.
Because we know that it is through this change that we will achieve.
Now, as you can imagine if you're trying to lose weight without an action plan, you may have trouble.
And if you are a woman, you are lucky: you have been prepared a complete nutritional plan to lose your extra pounds and thus be able to sculpt you a slim and sexy body.
At the end of the day, you will know exactly what to eat and in what quantities (depending on your weight, your morphology, and your level of activity) to lose weight quickly and well.
Every day.
For 12 weeks.
No more head-scratching, not possible to wonder what to eat to lose weight.
Gone are the boring diets where you only eat bland and untiring dishes.
No more excuses that keep us from getting started and doing whatever it takes to lose that fat damn.
And on the contrary, we all had great days where we were fit and where we were unstoppable...
And that's the key to positive thinking and optimism, making every day memorable.
Doing that every day is a chance to accomplish, a chance to go in the right direction.
And once we put in place this new way of thinking, once we realized that we were going to make it...
Everything gets easier.
It's much easier to change things.
We come to seek change rather than flee it.
Because we know that it is through this change that we will achieve.
Now, as you can imagine if you're trying to lose weight without an action plan, you may have trouble.
And if you are a woman, you are lucky: you have been prepared a complete nutritional plan to lose your extra pounds and thus be able to sculpt you a slim and sexy body.
At the end of the day, you will know exactly what to eat and in what quantities (depending on your weight, your morphology, and your level of activity) to lose weight quickly and well.
Every day.
For 12 weeks.
No more head-scratching, not possible to wonder what to eat to lose weight.
Gone are the boring diets where you only eat bland and untiring dishes.
No more excuses that keep us from getting started and doing whatever it takes to lose that fat damn.
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