Weight Loss: What Are The Best Natural Fat Burning Foods

No question of going on a diet by embarking on an endless diet. Instead, let's turn to healthy, natural fat-burning foods and supplements to effectively lose weight. But what are they? Let's do a check in.

Whether during confinement, or to counter the cold, our body needs more energy, necessary for its proper functioning. Usually provided by food, this energy sometimes needs to be expended, since as we know, many of the foods we eat contain a significant amount of calories.

Thus, to refine the silhouette and lose the weight, fat burning foods ideally form part of a program thinness. Merged with a physical activity without which they cannot act effectively, these foods will allow you to shed a few extra pounds naturally.

How do Natural Fat Burners work?

Without depriving ourselves, it is therefore possible to readjust our diet, focusing on nutrients adapted to our energy expenditure, as fat burners promise. Little known and yet endowed with many slimming properties, these foods, like certain natural food supplements, for the most part promote the state of satiety, in other words, they allow to reduce the feeling of hunger, and consequently, to reduce daily calorie intake.

In addition, certain fat-burning foods promote the elimination of toxins and excess fats, by significantly draining the body, and by increasing body temperature. In addition to being good, they certainly have everything good.


Native to Central America, and endowed with diuretic, lipophilic, antioxidant and satiogenic and hypoglycemic properties, the nopal or prickly pear is recognized for its slimming virtues that this plant owes to its cladodes, in other words, branches having the appearance of rigid sheets that contain a significant amount of polysaccharides. Nopal is generally used in weight loss diets for obesity, diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

How to consume it?

To quickly lead to the effect of satiety, doctors recommend consuming nopal in the form of a capsule, morning, noon and evening, and no less than 15 minutes before a meal so that it releases its many benefits.


Endowed with draining, depurative and anti-inflammatory properties, this exotic fruit contains as a bonus papain and pepsin, enzymes that promote the elimination of fats, by boosting the digestion of rich elements such as fats, starches and carbohydrates.

How to consume it?

Washed, papaya can be used in the recipe for fruit or vegetable salads, fruit juice (no added sugars), or simply eaten raw.


True appetite suppressant, this tuber from Southeast Asia allows you to lose weight naturally and effortlessly. Miraculous? Purely scientific. Its high content of water and glucomannan (a fiber forming a kind of gel in the stomach), quickly leads to a state of satiety. With a powerful absorption power, konjac is very low in calories (less than 5 calories per 100 g).

How to consume it?

If it is difficult to get your hands on konjac even in the Japanese department of the supermarket, in a specialized grocery store, in a pharmacy or drugstore, the latter can be used in the composition of many prepared dishes: Japanese noodles (kishimen), vermicelli ( shirataki), round konjac rice (or konjac gohan), konjac paste (konnyakuIl).

Green Coffee

With powerful slimming virtues, the green coffee bean contains in particular theanine as well as chlorogenic acids, active ingredients which make it possible to limit the absorption of fats and sugars by the body. As a bonus, green coffee promotes fat burning by boosting digestion and the elimination of toxins, while toning the body.

How to consume it? 

In capsules or infusion. Count between 7 to 10 green tea beans per cup.


To its delicious flavor, are added many virtues (allowing to regulate intestinal transit) generated by the pectins contained in the apple. In other words, vegetable dietary fibers which absorb a large amount of water in order to form a viscous gel which promotes the decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes, and consequently leads to a state of satiety.

How to consume it?

Washed, the apple can be eaten in many tasty ways. Cut and placed in a fruit or vegetable salad, in the form of pure juice, or eaten as it is, the apple is the perfect ally to promote weight loss, without depriving itself.

Red chili

Little known, red pepper is also a formidable natural fat burner. Because in addition to spicing the dishes that we eat, red chili pepper reduces caloric intake and effectively attacks the fats present in the body. However, be careful not to consume red pepper in case of ulcers, pregnancy or gastritis.

How to consume it?

Whether preferred in raw form or powdered as a spice, red chilli peppers enhance the flavors of dishes, while contributing to weight loss.


Containing between 60 and 70% of proteins, spirulina is a very found alternative to meat and fish, so much it can enter the composition of vegetarian menus.

From its scientific name Spirulina Arthrospira Platensis, spirulina is a filamentous cyanobacterium that falls into the category of superfoods.

Recognized by Unesco and the World Health Organization (WHO) which also attributes to it the title of best food for humanity in the 21 st century, thanks to its exceptional richness, spirulina is a natural food supplement that promotes weight loss.

It boosts the immune system, improves the body's resistance and endurance, ensures weight control and a normal level of sugar in the blood, while being an ideal natural source to combat oxidative stress.

How to consume it?

Although the majority of spirulina are produced in greenhouses in artificial ponds, it is preferable to turn to a certified organic manufacturing method, which guarantees a production generally developed within a freshwater lake, far from factors. pollutants.

Spirulina is consumed in capsules or tablets, but also in powder, which is added as well in dishes as in drinks.


Praised for its slimming properties, lemon ranks particularly in the category of the best natural fat burners. Its vitamin C content allows this tangy fruit to facilitate the state of satiety, in other words to calm the feeling of hunger, and consequently to reduce the daily caloric intake. As a bonus, lemon is an excellent draining agent that helps cleanse the liver, and facilitate the evacuation of fats present in the body.

How to consume it?

Pressed in the form of juice, the lemon is consumed as well pure as diluted in water, in infusion, or in the composition of the daily dishes.


Native to the Brazilian Amazon, this shrub is known to stimulate fat burning and boost metabolism, thanks to its caffeine content released in the body. Consuming guarana seed allows athletes to increase their performance, their endurance but also their level of motivation, while actively promoting weight loss.

How to consume it?

Guarana extracts can be diluted to be consumed as a drink. Similarly, this natural fat burner can be found in capsules but also in effervescent tablets.

Note that the recommended dose of guarana is between 1 to 3 g maximum per day, and should not be consumed by pregnant women, children under 16 years, and people with hypertension.
